kids classes!

March 31 - may 19 2025

Updated Feb 21, 2025


Click here for adult classes.

Location: FOLKUNGagatan124 📍

kids classes
starting march 31 2025

On mondays in the small studio we offer kids classes for ages 3 - 9. We have small groups of maximum 9 children per group. Our instructor has a genuine interest and find great joy in working with kids.

På måndagar i lilla salen har vi barnklasser för åldrarna 3 - 9 år. Vi har små grupper med max 9 barn per grupp. Vår instruktör har ett genuint engagemang och glädje med att jobba med barn.


🍋 17.00 - 17.45 AGE: 3-6 years Teacher: STELLA (Guest instructor Johanna Enough)

For this age group we focus on joy and creativity. We encourage the students to move through imagination and play. This advances their motor skills AND CONFIDENCE. WHEN THEY ARE READY WE WILL add choreographed Dancehall movements.

what to expect: your child will learn 4-6 dancehall moves and one choreogRaphy.

🍈 17.50 - 18.35 Age: 6-9 years Teacher: STELLA (Guest instructor Johanna enough)

For this age group we focus a bit more on learning dancehall steps. We also include elements of play in this group and encourage the children to move through engaging their creativity.

What to expect: Your child will learn 6-10 Dancehall moves and 2 choreographies.

  • 1400 sek for 7 classes

    Family discount: 200 sek discount for additional child.

  • Kursstart v.14 |31 mars
    uppehåll påsk v.16 | INGA KLASSER > 14 april
    Sista klassen v.21 | 19 MAJ
    AVSLUTNING återkommer om datum

    En kurs består av totalt 7 dansklasser.

    Start v.14 |31 mars
    Easter break v.16 | NO CLASSES > 14 april
    Last Class v.21 | 19 MAJ
    recital date not set

    One course consist of a total of 7 dance classes.

  • Main instructor: Stella

    WITH a passion for music and dancing and a genuine interest in working with kids. Your kids are in good hands with Stella. Stella will inspire the children to movement and lift their spirits. boost their confidence.

    Guest instructor: Johanna Enough

    When the kids are ready to get down to business, johanna will enter the room and teach the children fundamental dancehall moves and choreographies such as Willie Bounce to the song Willie Bounce by Elephant man.

  • Welcome to try out our class on March 31st. Send us an email and let us know if your child is joining us:

  • Terminsavslutning I form av en dansuppvisning kommer att ske i slutet av terminen för alla barn som dansat under våren 2025

    We will have an end of term dance performance by the children dancing with us spring 2025.

våren 2025

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